A smile lasts forever so give to whomever

We don’t need religion when there is a vision
Love can’t be measured a smile lasts forever
Move to this rhythm embrace love when given
A smile last forever so give to whomever

-Cregg Rondell

The above lyrics are from a song called “Move with Me” from the band, Boy Hits Car. While many may be turned off, or angered by the first line quoted, I ask that you take a moment and reflect on exactly what religion does for society. Just for a moment, remove from your mind the ideas and concepts related to events before and after what we perceive as life. Focus only on this life, in this moment. What does religion provide for us in this moment? Religion, in this context, is a tool for moral guidance. A tool to help guide you through the decisions you must make in each moment of your life. Now imagine a world where our initial reaction to an event is one of respect. A world ruled by a sense of cooperation and compassion for all life. What then, does religion provide us in this moment?

The Buddha, Jesus, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, and many other “enlightened” individuals teach of a life of compassion. They teach of giving love without reservation, without preconception, without expectations. Why then, do we, as a religiously based society, not follow the teachings of those our religions are based off of? Why do we allow our own sense of ego and materialism to cloud our judgement while simultaneously claiming association with an organization founded on the removal of the ego? Are we all hypocrites? As a society, are we simply accepting of this?

I ask anybody reading this, regardless of religious preference, to look back to the origin or your chosen faith. Move back to a time before the written words were changed by kings and queens of the past, move back to a time before the words were formed into stories. It’s time to get back to the basics. Take a look at the Ten Commandments, take a look at Jesus’s sermon on the mount, look back to the core documents that make up your faith. What do they teach?

They all teach the same principle, respect. Respect All Life. This is the most basic, most fundamental idea in nearly every religious teaching. Respect all life, respect yourself, respect your chosen avenue of worship.

Going back to the lyrics above. What happens when we clear our vision? What happens when we alter our mentality to approach each situation with a sense of respect for all involved? How can you kill or steal from that which you respect? How can you allow hunger or poverty to overcome that which you respect? How can you harm or hold ill will towards that which you respect? By simply reverting to the most basic, and simplistic of all religious teachings, by pushing aside the curtains created by our own agendas and goals, we can clear a path to a life in which all beings are allowed to flourish.

I challenge everybody, remove the veil from your eyes, work to view the world as an entity, flowing, drifting, and moving as one. You are a part of the reality, you are part of this rhythm, give your love, compassion, and respect freely, for by doing so, you are giving to yourself that which you need to flourish. So move to this rhythm, embrace what is given. A smile lasts forever, so give to whomever.

Respect All Life.Celebrate Differences.Be True to the Self

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